
Paperless advertising drives down costs for retail

All over the world, companies are trying to reduce their consumption of paper and plastic.

While this might be primarily an environmental concern, the fact is that paperless advertising can actually reduce overall costs for retail businesses, and help improve the bottom line.

If you’re in doubt about the benefits of going paperless in your retail business, the following should convince you that the time to make a change is right now:

Improve your carbon footprint

This is the environmental concern, but it’s still linked to the success of your retail business. Your carbon footprint is a reflection of how much non renewable energy and resources are used up by your company. Businesses with a high carbon footprint can be penalised as governments around the world move towards more environmentally friendly legislation. The costs of paper, printing and ink are not just financial – they affect the world we live in too.

Digital signage reduces advertising costs

How much do you spend on advertising per year, and how much of that is related to print and installation costs? Apart from the environmental factor, just the cost in pounds of printing large format in-store advertising (and then replacing it regularly to ensure that it is new and fresh) can be astronomically high. Digital advertising requires an initial investment in technology, however the long term cost savings of being able to change and replace digital artwork with the click of a button makes it far more enticing for budget savvy retailers.

Paperless advertising is more efficient

Not only does going paperless save trees and money spent on paper and printing, it is highly efficient. From eye catching, attractive advertising that can be quickly and easily changed on a digital platform, to till slips that can be emailed instead of printed (and then used to create a customer email database), paperless advertising saves time and money and is extremely convenient.

Digital advertising is more engaging

We live in a digital world, and consumers have now begun to expect technologically enhanced experiences in every aspect of their lives. Digital signage has the advantage over printed signage, as it does not have to be static. It can include multiple images, slideshows, video, and even be interactive through the use of touch screen technology. This engagement ensures that digital advertising is very effective in driving footfall and spend in the retail sector.


Paperless advertising drives down costs for retail

All over the world, companies are trying to reduce their consumption of paper and plastic.

While this might be primarily an environmental concern, the fact is that paperless advertising can actually reduce overall costs for retail businesses, and help improve the bottom line.

If you’re in doubt about the benefits of going paperless in your retail business, the following should convince you that the time to make a change is right now:

Improve your carbon footprint

This is the environmental concern, but it’s still linked to the success of your retail business. Your carbon footprint is a reflection of how much non renewable energy and resources are used up by your company. Businesses with a high carbon footprint can be penalised as governments around the world move towards more environmentally friendly legislation. The costs of paper, printing and ink are not just financial – they affect the world we live in too.

Digital signage reduces advertising costs

How much do you spend on advertising per year, and how much of that is related to print and installation costs? Apart from the environmental factor, just the cost in pounds of printing large format in-store advertising (and then replacing it regularly to ensure that it is new and fresh) can be astronomically high. Digital advertising requires an initial investment in technology, however the long term cost savings of being able to change and replace digital artwork with the click of a button makes it far more enticing for budget savvy retailers.

Paperless advertising is more efficient

Not only does going paperless save trees and money spent on paper and printing, it is highly efficient. From eye catching, attractive advertising that can be quickly and easily changed on a digital platform, to till slips that can be emailed instead of printed (and then used to create a customer email database), paperless advertising saves time and money and is extremely convenient.

Digital advertising is more engaging

We live in a digital world, and consumers have now begun to expect technologically enhanced experiences in every aspect of their lives. Digital signage has the advantage over printed signage, as it does not have to be static. It can include multiple images, slideshows, video, and even be interactive through the use of touch screen technology. This engagement ensures that digital advertising is very effective in driving footfall and spend in the retail sector.


Paperless advertising drives down costs for retail